"Invest on your attitude.."
This was one advice given by our Rizal teacher before she ended today's meeting. She said all of us are smart and all of us have skills but in the end, only few of us would make it to the top because not everyone of us has the attitude. I pondered on what she said and I realized, I am guilty of not investing much on my attitude.
I am comfortable at being mediocre, accustomed to going to my classes, always, a couple of minutes late and used to just choosing to stay within my comfort zone. And of course, we all know what happens when we stay within our limits, not one good thing happens, NOTHING happens.
She kept on talking even when she knew not everyone of us was listening. But not everyone wasn't listening, though. Because I was.
I don't know why I'm always emotional after attending the last few meetings of my classes. I may be a lazy student and I know I pretend like I don't care most of the time but really, I learned a lot this semester. I admire most of my teachers but only few of them could really see through my 'I-DON'T-CARE-ABOUT-GRADES attitude.
To my teacher who never fails to remind us to be better individuals and Filipinos every meeting,
until I sit in your class again. ^_^