Friday, January 17, 2014

Nominated as the biggest loser in town. CHAR.

I can't sleep.

I don't why I can't sleep.

I'm looking at this document which states that I was nominated for both Philippine Information Agency's annual IWAG awards and my own University's annual Corps d' elite.

I can't help but smile when I first found out. I've been through hell in the last three months. I've had a series of losses. I still believe in myself, of course, I still know what I can do. Somehow, I just lost the strength to actually do them. But Daddy Lord has amazing ways of lifting you up when you're feeling down.

I can't say I've been wishing for them but, I'm just overwhelmed somehow. I've been in the Student Publication in the last five years and I always thought that no one knows, no one notices, and I really don't care. Then this nomination came up.

I haven't told anyone yet. I don't know why, I just know that it's not something I could take pride with. I've always known what I am and I never accept a compliment I know I don't deserve. I like myself that way. I guess it's true, what Dodinsky once said, "Knowing who you are is the best defense against who they think you are".

Yes, I haven't told anyone yet, but a good friend did. Which is funny. I don't really need the whole world to know, coz I don't need the whole world to find out about two months from now that I didn't bring home the award after all.


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